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Change your mindset by being grateful

A friend of mine recently posted a year of gratitude on Facebook. It was inspiring to read everything that she was thankful for. From new fallen snow to a great cup of coffee to the warmth of sun on her back. As I read her posts each week it made me look at things differently and reminded me to take the time to live in the present and really appreciate everything life has to offer.

I decided to take my own gratitude journey and chronicle those things that bring me joy and the things I’m thankful for. I picked up an oldie, but a goodie, The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude, by Sarah Ban Breathnach. If you haven’t read her book Simple Abundance, A Day Book of Comfort and Joy, it’s worth the read.

The Journal gives you room to write at least five things that you’re grateful for. Everyday since February 2020, I’ve been writing down five things that make me smile or that come to mind. Today what comes to mind is knowing my 86 year old mom has a companion to spend her days with, especially during the COVID lockdown (she lives in assisted living)….new growth on what I thought was a dying plant, crisp fall mornings, funny texts from friends and a good night’s sleep. After months of daily chronicling the little things in life, it really does ground you in the present. I don’t know about you, but this daily practice has refocused my mindset and helped me appreciate what makes life so rewarding.

I’ll be honest. There were days when I struggled to find something to write down. Some days it’s harder than you think, especially if you’re having a not so awesome day. The good thing is that there are overlooked blessings included in the book that help put things into perspective. They are like little reminders to stop and look around and to not take anything for granted or too seriously, which I tend to do when I get busy.

With the crazy year we’ve had and as we approach the holidays, I wanted to share this gift with you that has changed my way of approaching each day. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or frustrated by life, think about picking up one of these journals to write down those things you value most. It’s a life changer.

What are you grateful for?


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